I simply love this image, as well the accompanying gallery from artist Fabian Oefner, whose use of bright bold UV colors and solid black background make for an image that pops off the page. As I am a car geek the subject, a Ferrari California T, just adds another level of greatness for me. This image stood out as the car plays the role of the background while the UV paint flow takes center stage, other images from this gallery have the roles reversed downplaying the flow. The image was created by blasting the car with UV paint as it sat within a wind tunnel under large UV lights. The following video shows the process in action: https://vimeo.com/107162592 .
The resulting images are quite beautiful with the paint streaking along the curves and contours of the Ferrari. The force of the wind and pull of gravity give the flowing paint a sort of lightning look as if the surface was completely electrified. This piece along with the gallery can be seen at: http://fabianoefner.com/?portfolio=ferrari-state-of-the-art I highly recommend taking a look at the other images captured during the shoot.
Image Source: Fabian Oefner, http://favianoefner.com
6 Comments. Leave new
1st Place. I love the use of UV colors as well as the feeling of motion that is created because of the dripping of the paint.
1st Place
I am a big car guy as well. Love to see how the aerodynamics come into play with the UV materials. It would be cool to use the same method on a variety of cars to see how different performance levels compare.
1st place
I love everything about this…the colors, the idea, the car, the lighting. Everything comes together to deliver a dramatic image that’s been stuck in my head all day.
1st Place. It was the UV lights that visualized the trajectory of the paints. The Ferrari was what made the image even more artistically splendid. Very impressive.
1st Place.
I think your analogy to lightning is spot on. Combined with my love of automotives and this picture is my favorite one.
3rd Place. I’m a big fan of UV materials and their uses. This is a really great piece and the cinematography and music enhanced it further.