This image shows an air bubble traveling through fluid boundaries with varying densities. The bubble leaves a wake in its path as it breaches through the fluid boundaries and the fluids return to their natural state, regardless of the disturbance.
This image shows an air bubble traveling through fluid boundaries with varying densities. The bubble leaves a wake in its path as it breaches through the fluid boundaries and the fluids return to their natural state, regardless of the disturbance.
16 Comments. Leave new
Really cool, I love the lighting, it makes the liquids look really cool. I also love the flow you were able to capture at that second, very interesting to look at.
I think the blue background really adds to the picture especially making that large layer at the top more noticeable.
I love how this looks like an apocalyptic volcano eruption on an alien planet.
I really think your explanation is solid. Thank you for letting me know how the picture works. Also nice job on the blue.
Nice colors captured in this photo. I do like the color contrast!
The use of a blue background was a good choice. The boundary layer in the red section looks like a mushroom cloud right as it interacts with the clear section.
I really like how the plume in the water layer looks almost like a mushroom cloud from an explosion!
The edited lighting of the image makes the colors really pop. I enjoy the instability of the clear fluid layer. There seems to be a mushroom cloud in the water fluid layer which I find very appealing.
Great job! I really like the focus on the different interactions that are happening in each layer.
I like the focus on the bubbles and the addition of the blue background!
I actually really enjoy the blue background you chose. I think it gives it a completely different vibe. The red layer looks like it has a little mushroom cloud in it.
It’s very cool how visible the plume of the bubble is as it moves through the fluids.
I like the editing of the background to be blue. It highlights the fluids used in the container.
This image is very cool, I really like it. It’s very sharp and clear, and I like the contrast of colors
I think the mushroom cloud type formation in the green and red layers are really cool looking. I agree with others that some perspective fixing with rotate/crop would help improve the image more.
I would recommend rotating the image to make all the horizon lines of the liquid parallel with the frame