Team First // Dawood Ahmad

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Flow Vis Guidebook
- Introduction to the Guidebook
- Overview 1: Phenomena. Why Does It Look Like That?
- Overview 2: Visualization Techniques
- Overview 3: Lighting
- Overview 4 - Photography A: Composition and Studio Workflow
- Overview 4 - Photography B: Cameras
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Focal Length
- Overview 4 - Photography C: Lenses - Aperture and DOF
- Overview 4: Photography D: Exposure
- Overview 4 - Photography E - Resolution
- Overview 5 - Post-Processing
- Clouds 1: Names
- Clouds 2: Why Are There Clouds? Lift Mechanism 1: Instability
- Clouds 3: Skew - T and Instability
- Clouds 4: Clouds in Unstable Atmosphere
- Clouds 5: Lift Mechanism 2 - Orographics
- Clouds 6: Lift Mechanism 3 - Weather Systems
- Boundary Techniques - Introduction
- Dye Techniques 1 - Do Not Disturb
- Dye Techniques 2 - High Visibility
- Dye Techniques 3 - Light Emitting Fluids
- Refractive Index Techniques 1: Liquid Surfaces
- Refractive Index Techniques 2: Shadowgraphy and Schlieren
- Particles 1- Physics: Flow and Light
- Particles 2: Aerosols
- Particles 3: In Water
- Particles 4 -Dilute Particle Techniques
- Art and Science
- TOC and Zotpress test
- Photons, Wavelength and Color
17 Comments. Leave new
I love the flow in the green liquid, really cool shot you were able to capture!
I like how the contrast here is different that the rest of your team. I think it would have been better if you cut the black portions at the sides. Showing the tube only.
I like how the stream separates! Great contrast in the image!
Great job! You did a really good job of capturing the fluid motion of the tube in each layer.
I love the contrast because you can see the flow very well.
I like the motion of the fluid falling back into where it wants to be. The editing in this image is very effective.
The syrup reminding me of a monster coming out of the ground, and I really enjoy the clear stream of the syrup.
I can really sea the stream, and it’s very focused.
I really like how the green color pops out and highlights the beginning of the flow.
I like how well defined the flow of the fluids are when they are returned to their original positions.
The fluid falling through the layers in a spiral pattern is mesmerizing. Great image with thicker streams makes for a cool contrast.
I really enjoy the rope coil effect you were able to capture in multiple layers!
Cool photo, I enjoy the helical pattern of the stream
I like how completely different each layer of fluid is. Makes it seem like parallel universes
I like how crisp the stream looks in the green layer. The contrast is good enough to make the stream more visible.
The multiple streams remind me of a monster from the Upside Down from Stranger Things.
The curvature of the falling fluid is mesmerizing. The contrast of the image is beautiful.